Install SAP NetWeaver 7.52 SP04 TestDrive on Linux

The following steps show how to install a test system of SAP NetWeaver 7.52 SP04 on RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 (running as a VirtualBox guest). SAP Sybase ASE 16.0.2 is used as the database. SAP GUI will be installed on a client machine running Windows 10 and will be used to access the SAP NetWeaver Application Server. The system will give you an overview of the current SAP ABAP Application server and enable you to develop web applications or explore the SAP client/server architecture in general.

Download the software

Download all files from here under the section SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP Developer Edition 7.52 SP04 You need to create an SAP account to do that. The files should be available on the linux machine under /sw/sap/NW752.

Prepare the installation

Unpack the SAP ABAP AS software to /sw/sap/NW752/as and add the license

# this step is only needed to install unar since it is not included in RHEL 8 by default
subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-$(arch)-rpms
dnf -y install
dnf -y install unar
# unpack the software to /sw/sap/NW752/as
cd /sw/sap/NW752 && unar -D -o as TD752SP04part01.rar
# extract license file SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive.lic to /sw/sap/NW752/TD752SP04/server/TAR/x86_64/SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive.lic
unar -o - /sw/sap/NW752/License.rar License/SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive/SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive.lic > /sw/sap/NW752/as/server/TAR/x86_64/SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive.lic
# install required OS packages
dnf -y install uuidd csh
# set the hostname so it does not contain the domain part
hostname|awk -F. {'print $1'} > /etc/hostname
init 6

Installation of SAP NetWeaver AS

# this is needed as a workaround to avoid the database being stuck
until [ -f /sybase/NPL/ASE-16_0/install/RUN_NPL ] ; do sleep 0.1 ; done && sed -i 's/NPL.cfg \\/NPL.cfg -T11889 \\/g' /sybase/NPL/ASE-16_0/install/RUN_NPL &
# start the installation
cd /sw/sap/NW752/as && ./

agree to license terms: yes
password (min 8 characters): sapsapsap
The installation takes around 20 minutes.

If the Installation fails with an error you can use the following to clean up and afterwards restart the installation:

pkill -9 -u sapadm
pkill -9 -u npladm
pkill -9 -u sybnpl
userdel -r sapadm 
userdel -r npladm
userdel -r sybnpl
rm -rf /usr/sap/ /sapmnt/ /sybase/ /tmp/sapinst_instdir/
init 6

Installation and Setup of SAP GUI for Windows 7.5

Copy and unzip the SAP Front End installer located in /sw/sap/NW752/as/client/SAPGUI4Windows. Start the installation by running 50144807_6\BD_NW_7.0_Presentation_7.50_Comp.2\PRES1\GUI\WINDOWS\Win32\SapGuiSetup.exe Select SAP GUI for Windows 7.50 (Compilation2) and press Next/Next to start the installation

Start SAP Logon and select New Item. Press Next. Configure a New System Entry and press Finish:

Request and Install the license

Get the hardware key of the system by running:

su - npladm -c "/usr/sap/NPL/SYS/exe/run/saplicense -get"

Go to, select NPL - SAP NetWeaver 7.x (Sybase ASE) and request a license key.

Logon to the system with the SAP GUI (Client: 000 User: SAP* Password: Down1oad):

Start transaction slicense (by entering slicense in the text field and pressing Enter). Delete the two existing licenses (right click => Delete License) and add the requested license (right click => Install License, select license file NPL.txt). The demo system is now activated.

Accounts created during the installation

Database Accounts

SAPSR3master_passwordABAP Schema User

SAP Accounts (can be used with SAP GUI to logon)

DEVELOPER001Down1oadDeveloper User
BWDEVELOPER001Down1oadDeveloper User
DDIC000/001Down1oadData Dictionary User
SAP*000/001Down1oadSAP Administrator

Start and Stop of SAP NetWeaver AS

# stop AS and DB
su - npladm -c stopsap
# start AS and DB
su - npladm -c startsap
# check the status of the AS and the DB
su - npladm -c "startsap check"

Further Information (using the tag #ABAP_trial)
SAP Trial Downloads
readme file: /sw/sap/NW752/as/readme.html